Healing: Granted by The Crofter, Nephthys, Sordan, and Balance.
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Effect: Call "Cure 1" and explain that the healing goes to the location touched. Miraculous healing stops bleeding to a location whether or not the location is raised above 0 hits.
Level 2: Cure Serious Wounds
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Effect: Call "Cure 3", and optionally explain how the healing is distributed (otherwise, the patient can distribute it how they want). Miraculous healing stops bleeding to a location whether or not the location is raised above 0 hits.
Level 3: Healing Circle
Range: Mass
Duration: Instant
Effect: Call "Mass Cure 1" as everyone in your immediate vicinity is bathed in healing energies. The targets can choose where the healing goes. Miraculous healing stops bleeding to a location whether or not the location is raised above 0 hits.
Level 4: Cleansing
Range: Lay On Hands (see description under Cursing)
Duration: Instant
Effect: Call "Purge 6 Alchemical, Purge Disease, Weakness for 15 minutes" as poisons and disease are scoured from the target's system. The process isn't particularly pleasant or invigorating, but it's very effective.
Level 5: Regeneration
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Effect: Either call "Cure 8" or regrow a destroyed limb or organ - the head is not a limb or organ - which will return as 0HP and stable. If you don't have the severed limb, then the limb can't regain HP for a month (representing it growing internally to fill the manifested form). If you do have the severed limb, it will be reattached and can be repaired normally.
Level 6: Preservation
Range: Touch
Duration: Inflict
Effect: Call "Inflict 6: You cannot die!" Regardless of wounds, the target's spirit remains with their body until the next midday or midnight, allowing further miraculous healing to restore them to health. This miracle does not work if the target is already dead.
Level 7: Restoration
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Effect: As long as target is still alive, this miracle will cure all of their injuries, including missing limbs. It may also remove scars and similar 'permanent' injury.