A copy of the SLARPS constitution is given below. All players must be SLARPS members before taking part in games, and are expected to abide by the rules and guidelines laid out in this constitution, as well as in our Social Contract.
Overall Aims
The aim of the society is to facilitate, manage, and organise the running of Live Action Roleplaying games (LARPs) within the University of Sussex.
In the short-term we hope to establish a high-quality live action roleplaying game in a fantasy setting, known as Treasure Trap. This game is intended to provide a staple for the society, so whereas some people may choose to run short-term, irregular, or one-off games, we will ensure there are activities running on an at least fortnightly basis for members of the society. The design of this game shall draw upon the experience of many of the founding members in playing such games in order to make the most enjoyable and interesting game possible.
To this end we hope to provide a means to pool resources such as costume and props owned by society members, and to expand upon this pool using income generated by running games. This would facilitate those without props or costume of their own to partake in games, and allow more convincing portrayal of the game settings, for example by being able to represent a group of knights with players in appropriate costume rather than jeans and t-shirt. We have already made arrangements for prospective society members to gather and create their own armour costume at cost price, under the direction of a professional costumier.
It is our intention that many of the disparate LARPs being run by individuals on campus would take up representation within the society, so we can use our resources and infrastructure to support all the games currently running, as well as feeding back and contributing to the wellbeing of the society and other games run thereby. We have discussed this proposition with several people who run their own games, and have been met with enthusiasm.
The Treasure Trap game will run two events on a fortnightly basis; one indoors during the evening of a day during the week, and one on a weekend afternoon in an appropriate public space (with sufficient room to carry out activities without inconveniencing members of the general public.) Neither event shall be compulsory for members. Other games being run by society members will take place on a regular basis.
We plan to run several extraordinary events, such as the armour crafting event mentioned above, charity shop crawls where groups of society members may pick up period and setting appropriate costume at a reasonable price, and general socialising and recreational meetings for society members.
We hope to be able to run special events just after the end of term time, spanning multiple days. We have permission from Bentley Wildflower and Motor Museum to make use of their extensive facilities for this purpose up to 4 times a year. We also hope to be able to organise trips and provide resources for society members to take part in other games, local and national.
The society shall hold an AGM once a year at the end of the Summer term, whereupon Committee elections shall be held, and an emergency EGM with at least one week’s notice should any exceptional circumstance arrive which requires it.
Committee Roles
The committee shall at all times be made up of President, Secretary, and Treasurer, but additional roles may be created to address other areas. A person may hold more than one committee position simultaneously, but there must always be three different individuals on the committee.
The President
shall oversee the running of the society and will present a report to the Annual General Meeting. With the exception of the first year that the society runs, nobody who has been a member of The Society for less than six months may hold the office of President. The President shall take the chair at all official meetings of The Society. If the President is not present then the meeting shall elect another member of the exec as chair to run the meeting. The President shall also have the casting vote in any official meeting of the society.
The Secretary
shall be responsible for communicating with members. The Secretary shall be responsible for calling general meetings and producing agendas and minutes, keeping the minutes of all General Meetings of the Society, and of all meetings of the Committee. These minutes should be published within two weeks of the meeting. Minutes shall be open to inspection by Members on two weeks notice.
The Treasurer
shall look after the Society's money and keep accounts. The Treasurer may authorise spending up to £20 of society funds without consulting the remainder of the exec and any amount with the majority approval of the Exec. TheTreasurer shall keep accounts of all income and expenditure, which shall be open to Members on two weeks notice, and which shall be audited annually. The Treasurer shall present a report on the Society's financial position to the Annual General Meeting each year.
The First-Aid Officer
shall be in charge of attending to any situation in which first aid is required, and encouraging and providing information to other society members who may wish to become first-aid qualified in the near future.
Membership shall be open to any Member of the University of Sussex; membership will be made open to any non-Member of the University at the discretion of the Committee. Membership is free and shall be a requirement to take part in any game making use of society resources.
Membership shall not necessarily grant the right to participate in any Game, which shall be subject to the conditions in this Constitution and the discretion of the individual referee teams.
A game may become recognised as a society game if its refteam are society members, and by a 2/3 majority vote of the committee.
A game may be removed from the society if in the course of the game the game organisers violate the terms of this constitution, the Students Union regulations and guidelines, or for any other reason deemed appropriate by a 2/3 majority of the Committee. The game immediately loses its status in the society and all access to society resources.
Specific Activities
The society may, at times, organise such extraordinary events as:
Prop-making days, which will involve sourcing materials and in some cases instructors, beforehand.
Trips to games in other locations in England.
Training in simulated combat using appropriate props.
Please see the Events section of the constitution for more details.